These are additional instructions you can implement to remove Microsoft Safelinks' 'This website is classified as malicious' warning when opening any of our Landing Pages.


Option 1: Adding a Mail Flow Rule

  1. Go to Admin -> Exchange Admin Center -> Mail Flow -> Rules
  2. Click the (+) Create New Rule button beneath Mail Flow Rules. 
  3. Click the (+) button beneath rules and then select Bypass Spam Filtering…
  4. Give the rule a name, such as (Phish Insight - Bypass Safe Links) 
  5. Select "The sender", then click on More options and select "IP address is in any of these ranges or exactly matches:


  6. Specify Phish Insight's IP addressesthen click OK.

    Note: To find our IP Addresses, please log in to Phish Insight. and click the chat widget at the lower-right corner. Then click Allow List, and open Add Phish Insight to your Exchange / Microsoft 365 Allow List. Our IP Add may change over time.

  7. Beneath "Do the following", click "Modify the message propertiesthen "Set a Message Header"
  8. Set the message header to this value:
    Set the message header "X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SkipSafeLinksProcessingto the value "1". NOTE: Both "X-MS-Exchange-Organization-BypassClutterand "trueare case sensitive.
  9. Click Save

Option 2: Configuring 'Safe Links' in Defender (If Enabled)

  1. Go to Email & Collaboration -> Policies & Rules -> Threat policies -> Safe Links
  2. Click Create
  3. Name the policy as Phish Insight - Bypass Safe Links, add a description as needed 
  4. Specify the Users, Groups, or Domains that will receive your Phishing Simulations
  5. Enable Safe Links checks a list of known, malicious links when users click in email. URLs are rewritten by default.
  6. Under Do not Rewrite the following URLs in emailClick Manage 0 URLs.
  7. Click Add URLs. Add any domains you will be using in the following format: **

    Note: To find our Simulation URLs please log in to Phish Insight. and click the chat widget at the lower-right corner. Then click Allow List, and open Add Phish Insight to your Exchange / Microsoft 365 Allow List. Our simulation URL's may change over time.
  8. Click Save.