Educating your new hires as soon as they get onboard is an important part of strengthening the cybersecurity awareness in your company. Phish Insight allows you to set up a recurring training campaign that will let you enroll new recruits without doing a lot of manual work. 

Follow the procedure below to auto-enroll your new employees.

This is a premium feature. Please upgrade your plan to use the auto-enroll option.

Step 1. Synchronize your company's Active Directory (AD) to get the latest list of users and groups. 

  1. Log in to your Phish Insight account.
  2. Go to Settings > AD synchronization.
  3. Select either On-premise AD or Azure AD and set it as your active data source.
  4. Follow the sync instruction depending on your selected data source:

Step 2. Create a dynamic group based on the date when the user joined the company.

  1. Navigate to User Management > Groups.
  2. Click New dynamic group.
  3. Provide a group name.
  4. Select Joined within last as group condition.
  5. Enter 30 or 60 days to get the list of new employees in the past month or quarter.
  6. (Optional) If you want to target new hires from a certain group, click Add Condition and select the target group.
  7. Click Create. You now have a group of new employees that will be updated every month or quarter.


Step 3. Launch a recurring training campaign for new employees.

  1. Go to Campaigns, click New campaign and select Training.
  2. Name your campaign.
  3. Choose the dynamic group you created in Step 4.
  4. Select the training program.
  5. Specify the start date. The succeeding training will be launched on the same day of the month you selected.
  6. Choose the campaign frequency, either Monthly or Quarterly.
  7. Set the notification emails.
  8. Click Check the delivery schedule to preview the scheduled training.
  9. Click Create campaign.

You're all set! Every month or quarter, Phish Insight will get the list of your new employees based on the dynamic group you created and will launch a training campaign for them. You will receive an email notification before the next training campaign starts. In case you have no new employees for the month, the scheduled training will be automatically completed.


The recurring campaign is set to run for one year, but you have the option to cancel the upcoming rounds in the Campaign list.