Feature Updates

CSV Upload

Upload multiple users easily via CSV. To use this feature, follow these steps or visit this article.

  1. Login to Phish Insight.
  2. Click Users & Groups and click + New user.
  3. Click Import CSV.
  4. Click Upload File.
  5. Select your CSV file and click Open.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Update the name of your Custom Group if necessary.
  8. Click Import.
  9. Click Yes, proceed.

Delete option in Custom Users and Groups

Delete specific users and groups manuallyTo perform this action, follow the steps below or visit this article.

  1. Login to Phish Insight.
  2. Click Users & Groups.
  3. Click the ellipsis icon across a user then click the Delete option.
  4.  Click Delete.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue where phishing simulation emails are not sent out after creating a campaign
  • Fixed an issue where phishing simulation emails were blank when they arrived in a recipients inbox.
  • Fixed inconsistent data in Campaign Reports and Phished Users Report
  • Fixed an issue where the BEC Reply-To Name and Address are not showing on recipients' inbox
  • Fixed issues with Active Directory Integration where recipients' information are not showing in Users and Groups
  • Fixed an issue where images added to landing page were not saved