How to manually add Users

  1. Log in to Phish Insight.

  2. Go to Users Management and click Users.

  3. Click + New user.
  4. Fill out the Add new users form.
    1. Specify user's first name.
    2. Specify user's last name.
    3. Specify user's email.*
    4. Specify user's department.
    5. Specify user's office.
    6. Specify user's position.
    7. Specify user's manager.
    8. Specify user's joined o.

  5. If you have more than one user to add, click + button.
  6. You can optionally add the users to an existing or new group using the group field.
  7. Click Create.

You can now see the new custom users in the table.

How to manually add a Group?

  1. Log in to Phish Insight.

  2. Click User Management and click Groups.
  3. Click + New Group.
  4. Name your custom Group.
  5. You can optionally add users to your group.

  6. Click Save.

You can now see the new custom group.